Wednesday, May 7, 2014

London Photo Diary: Part 2
9:39 AM

London Photo Diary: Part 2

Cool pics of me and soley taken by yen yen.

Went to Dover Street Market and did some window shopping on our way there. The window display in London is so interesting, I wish I could show you more, but its was too cold for me to even hold the camera properly.

 Its pretty interesting to look at all the designer clothes, being able to touch and feel the actual clothing. 

 Couldn't resist a selfie in the store. You can probably tell my leather jacket and black skinnies were my everyday uniform in London.

 We were looking for a place to grab lunch after our window shopping session. Everything is so expensive in London, we finally grab a 4 pounds sandwich to go and eat in a park, so that we don't have to pay for dine-in. This is the most expensive sandwich I ever eaten, but it taste pretty good. 

After our quick lunch, we walked to the Buckingham Palace. 

Hello, kids.


And of course, a tourist shot is a must.

 We walked to Piccadilly Circus. Yes, we did walk a lot, like seriously a lot. We had to take picture of this restaurant. Look at the Octopus and all the seafood, yum yum.

We went to tower bridge on a lovely morning. Before that, we had this super satisfying english breakfast and coffee at Liberty Bound.

 Covent garden is a great place to hang out. Lots of cool shop and restaurant around here.

 He was telling us a story about the dolls.

 Vinyl in urban outfitters

tasty macaroon from laduree


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